MSc Accounting & Audit

Registration period 2023
Extension until 02/07/2023



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In the context of each course, the PGS organizes special lectures on current topics in Accounting and Auditing. Speakers are distinguished professionals in the sector such as Chartered Auditors-Accountants, Representatives of Companies and Organizations, Tax Officers etc.


We welcome you to visit and browse the website of the Postgraduate Program of the Department of Accounting and Finance of the International University of Greece. The 'Accounting and Auditing' PSP has started its operation in the year 2012, it is recognized by the state like every PSP of the Higher Education Institutes and awards the title of Master's Diploma in the subject of 'Accounting and Auditing'. Its purpose is the acquisition by its students of specialized knowledge in the subject of accounting science and auditing. Consequently, it is addressed to University and TEI graduates who wish to strengthen their profile with more specialized knowledge and skills, to graduates for whom such a specialization will be an effective way to achieve and/or improve their future professional prospects, to young scientists who through PSP take their first steps towards obtaining specific academic qualifications. We are therefore convinced that upon completion of their postgraduate studies, graduates will be able to offer high-level services in the private and narrower and/or wider public sector, they will be able to staff highly efficient financial departments of private and public enterprises, they will be able to offer as professionals reliable and high-level accounting and auditing services and thus become competitive. The effectiveness and the high level of the educational and research process is ensured through the cooperation of the academic staff of the Department of Accounting and Finance with specialists and technocrats of the market and professors from other Universities, the provision of adequate infrastructure by IHU, the operation of the lending library and students' access to national and international databases. In addition, special emphasis is given on inviting special scholars/scientists/people from the market to hold special lectures on current issues related to the subject of the PSP In this context, we are sure that PSP will be an attractive educational and research site and will be a choice for many students. All of us who support this effort pledge to do our best to achieve the goals of the PSP and its recognition. Professor A. Mandilas